The Virtual Era of Reality

 Have you ever noticed how day by day we are entering deep into the virtual world of reality?

The virtual world of our everyday needs, where we go shopping, watch movies or videos, chat with our friends, visit our favorite places, and a never-ending list that complies with our life without even stepping out of our house, Sounds familiar isn’t it? 

Though we are not visiting any market or place in reality. But this virtual world exists, it’s true and real.

I am talking about the vast market existing under the keys of our tablets and phones where with just one click we can access the entire world, The well-known Digital world of Social Media.

Digital World? Social Media? Aren’t both the same thing? 

Okay, yes, somehow. Both are relevant to each other but not the same. Both are meant to drive profits to their respective producers, but the execution of the strategies is different in both cases.

Both domains rely upon networking, but the approach is visibly different. Let's dive a little deeper to understand the contrast.

Social Media Marketing:

Social Media is what we all come across every day like FaceBook, Twitter, IG, LinkedIn, Quora, etc. Social Media marketing refers to the advertisement for products and services offered on these platforms.

It enhances the brand awareness among people.  Let’s say, you see a beautiful picture of a gown on FB while stalking your “X” and as soon as you click that picture, you land on a website meant to sell those gowns.

You forget about the staking and start scrolling those irresistible gowns and end up buying one by pairing it with a pair of bellies and then realizing you don’t have the perfect lingerie to wear.

 So you keep scrolling down and down hitting the like buttons of some products or adding them to your cart and finally buying them.

Yeah.. you got it right. This is called Social Media Marketing. The sellers attract consumers by posting their brands on social media. Simple!
(now fix up with your “X” soon)

Well, I hope we got well with social media marketing. Now let’s understand Digital Marketing.

Digital Media Marketing:

Do you remember, you clicked that picture of a gown and landed on a website? The owner of that website knows very well that the major percentage of people these days are easygoing with social media.

So he posts the picture with a hyperlink on FB or any social media platform that redirects the consumer to his website as soon as clicked. Once you land on the website, you get allured with the fancy items and buy them.

Not only this but sometimes you will find some hyperlinks connecting you further to some other website offering you a better variety. This entire process of clicking, landing, and buying is a part of Digital Marketing. 

While Social Media Marketing relies completely on social networking services, Digital marketing depends on digital technologies to deliver statistics irrespective of the consumer’s location.

Through Social Media, it helps reach 4.66 billion people according to current Google data, Digital Marketing helps sellers to reach these potential consumers. Practically, SMM is a module of a comprehensive DMM.

According to strategies, if social media and digital marketing are combined correctly, it can do wonders. 

Now, we understand the Social Media channels are Facebook (now Meta), Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Quora, Pinterest, Reddit, Snapchat, TikTok. 

Equally, Digital marketing has components like Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Email marketing, Affiliate marketing, Social Media Marketing, Video Marketing, PayPer Click Advertising, Mobile Marketing, Content Marketing, and Curation.

In Digital Marketing, each component is applied to the seller’s package according to his or her budget. The website is audited first and as per the results, changes are applied. Let’s say a seller’s products are worth buying.

But the sales are dropping constantly because of the poor product description, then the content would be optimized, but if the sales graph is decreasing because of less traffic, then potential backlinking would be beneficial. 

Not all the above services are stuffed in an SEO strategy, but altered according to the seller's requirements.

As stated, the majority always wins! We are always comfortable buying the most liked, reviewed, and appreciated brands. When a brand links with social media, people leave honest reviews.

Even we check the comment section before buying any product or service. It is the most effective way of building brand value. Even if the sales are not rising, the authenticity of the brand is created.

Though Digital marketing is a lengthier process to reach the desired results, it is worth applying. The domain is huge. Newspapers, flyers, and other offline channels are part of it.

A website has to pass all the audits to rank on the first page of Google, proper keywords should be applied to compete with the competitors so that it can be found first in the search results.

Whereas Social Media makes any strategy work immediately, but the domain is limited to the social media channels. 

The direct involvement of consumers with the brand helps build a sense of reliability and makes it one of the most demanded services of the sellers.

It is the best way to learn about consumer’s interests and build a community of like-minded people which gradually helps ranking any brand. 


You concluded it right! Social Media and Digital marketing fit well into each other. A sensible seller would never overlook the importance of SMM.

Several digital marketing companies offer SMM services because of the benefits a business can rip out of it. To maximize the outcome, services are compiled together and DMM strategies are formed.  

According to current Google data, more than 66% of the world’s total population goes online daily, three-quarters of the total population in America and 89% of Americans go online at least daily, and 31% are online perhaps always.

Do we still need to find a reason to justify the importance of Social Media and Digital Marketing?

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