4 Types of Exercises for the Body: Which Exercise is Better?

   To stay fit, your general physician might suggest that you need to start exercising. That is when you start to wonder where to begin? 

Well, there are 4 major types of exercises that have different benefits for the body and require different levels of endurance and physical abilities. These exercises also transform your body in different ways. 

This guide will help you understand these exercises so you can decide which one is the right fit for your lifestyle and health.

1.  Cardio

Cardio is also known as aerobic exercise. Aerobic means ‘with oxygen’. When your body is busy in aerobic exercise, your body also controls the amount of oxygen that will reach your body and muscles that help you burn more energy.


Major types of aerobic exercises include running, cycling, brisk walking, hiking, dancing, and swimming. All the aerobic exercises require you to exert great levels of force to move the body that also raises your heartbeat and breathing rate. 


There are several benefits of cardio such as increasing stamina, reducing fatigue and improved blood circulation and heart function but the most important one is the weight loss.

 Cardio exercises increase your heartbeat and boost your metabolism that help you burn calories at an increased rate. It can also help decrease your sugar levels that can help avoid the risk of diabetes.

Cardio can also help you burn calories throughout the day when you are sitting and doing your usual tasks without much physical activity.

This is because when a cardio session increases your heart rate in the morning, the increased heart rate throughout the day will keep your metabolism in action that helps you burn more calories and lose weight at an increased rate. 

Why Choose Cardio?

Cardio is for young individuals as it carries the risk of strains and sprains in individuals who are over 40. You should choose cardio if you are aiming to get fit quickly and want to burn calories or pursue an active and robust lifestyle. 

2.  Strength Training

Strength training refers to exercises that allow your body to increase its capacity to endure rougher conditions.

As the name suggests, strength training is all about having the ability to have more strength to perform tasks that require greater strength and endurance. 


To strength train, one needs to hit the gym. Common types of strength training include weightlifting, resistance band exercises, and body-weight exercises such as pushups, pull ups, squats and more.

Strength training involves exercises that build strength to lift heavier weights or lift your body. 


Strength training allows you to have greater muscle strength and enhance bone density.

It stabilizes support, reduces the risk of injury and helps you achieve improved physical abilities. It also helps shed body fat and increase muscle mass. Strength training also reduces the risk of osteoporosis and arthritis. 

Why Choose Strength Training?

It is for individuals who have an active lifestyle and want to have the ability to push, pull and lift heavy objects. Professionals such as firefighters, and rescue professionals’ strength train to build endurance and lift and move other people. 

3.  Flexibility Exercises

Flexibility exercises as the name suggests allowing your body to become more flexible and reduce the risk of injury. These exercises also help you stay fit and maintain a good body weight and build a mind and body connection.


Major types of flexibility exercises are stretches, yoga and Pilates. These exercises are more beginner friendly as compared to cardio and strength training.

The risk of injury is also lower. Beginners can start with easier postures and exercises and move up as they build endurance. 


Most important benefits of flexibility exercises are increased range of motion in joints, enhanced physical performance, better posture, and good balance. It also emphasizes mind and body coordination and mindfulness.

These exercises can help you release stress and live the present moments more energetically and zestfully. 

Why Choose Flexibility Exercises?

If you have too much stress in your life and you want to improve both physical and mental health, flexibility exercises can help you achieve that.

It is also more suitable for seniors as the risk of injury is low and posture can help them improve balance and maintain a fit body. 

4.  Balance Exercises

Balance exercises allow you to maintain a better balance while standing up or walking. These exercises are often incorporated into an exercise routine along with other types of exercises.


Major types of balance exercises include Tai Chi, balancing body while standing on one leg and stability ball exercises. 


These exercises are for older people to improve balance. It can also improve coordination and strength in individuals with disabilities. Pregnant women also perform stability ball exercises to help reduce labor pain.

For athletes and boxers or other professionals, these exercises develop better core strength and posture.They have several benefits that can allow you to have enhanced coordination, and balance while performing physical activities and during your everyday activities. 

Why Choose Balance Exercises?

Choosing balance exercises is better because it gives you the ability to balance your body and improve coordination.

If you are a person who is clumsy or falls easily, you can practice ball exercises along with other exercises to improve your body’s overall strength. 

Bottom Line

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to choosing the right exercises for you.

You can choose to adopt a blend of exercises that can benefit your body and help you live a better and healthy life. Or get consultation with an expert or trainer to get the best workout plan customized for you. 

It is also important to stay consistent and have a disciplined approach. You’ll have to schedule some time during the day for your exercise and spend some energy.

Exercise is only one part of the equation when comes to getting fit. To get fit, you’ll also need to eat better food and avoid smoking to get optimal results. 

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