Longevity: Here is what research reveals

   Although most people believe that genetics determines the life span of an individual, research has shown that environmental factors play a huge role in determining how long a person lives.

Our daily lifestyle choices and habits determine our health and life expectancy. 

As per Centre of Disease Control CDC, average life expectancy in the U.S dropped to 76.4 years in the past two decades. Average life expectancy, however, does not indicate how long one individual will live as everyone has a unique life.

Here are some factors that scientists believe can help people prolong their lives:

1.Physical Fitness

It is no surprise that physical fitness helps individuals stay healthy as they enter old age. A healthy body means higher chances of survival for the upcoming decades.

A research revealed that people who exercised only 15 minutes a day were able to add 3 more years to their life compared to others of same age and similar lifestyle. 

The same study also showed that the risk of early death decreases by 4% when individuals incorporate an exercise ritual of 15 minutes in their daily routine. 

An active lifestyle helps maintain a healthy body weight. Exercise can strengthen your muscles including your heart muscles, improve your mood, and reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes and heart attack. 

Experts suggest that even as little as 150 minutes of exercise per week can help extend your lifespan. 

2.Stop Overeating

Several studies have shown that there is a direct connection between low-calorie intake and longevity. Research on Japanese diet and longevity revealed that individuals who lived longer ate a calorie restricted diet and only finished 80% of what was on their plate. 

Staying a little hungry even after eating is recommended to improve excess body fat that in turn helps a person live a healthy and long life. 

It is important to note that extreme or long-term calorie restriction that results from eating a poor diet or skipping meals can result in negative consequences.

These include reduced metabolism, low body temperature, decreased sex drive and increased craving of high calorie meals. 

The study on high-calorie food consumption and its effects on longevity in humans is however limited.

Animal studies (including humans) have revealed that a 10-50% reduction in calorie intake resulted in animals living up to a maximum expected life.

3.Eat Plant Foods, Dried Fruits and Nuts

Plant foods and dried nuts are rich sources of fiber that helps us feel full. They are also sources of vital nutrients that help our body fight against chronic illnesses and promote longevity.

Several studies on vegetarian diet patterns revealed that it lowered the risk of premature death in its subjects. As per one comparative study, vegetarian and vegan diets reduced the risk of early death by 12-15%.

Although vegetarians and vegans may miss out on some important nutrients that are essential for our body, it is important to eat a balanced diet to remain healthy.

Another great option is the Mediterranean diet that has plenty of green vegetables and is low processed. It includes vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, beans and whole grains that are packed with fiber and vitamins.


Turmeric is a spice that has been cultivated since ancient times in India and China. This spice has excellent detoxifying and anti-inflammatory properties.

Turmeric contains a potent bioactive compound known as curcumin. Researchers have found that curcumin when fed to insects and mice, increased their life span. 

Research has revealed that turmeric has been effective in treating and preventing a myriad of problems such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, neurological problems and cancer.

It has blood thinning properties that helps reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack. 

5.Quit Smoking

An interview in which several cardiologists were asked which is the worst thing for heart health, most of them answered that smoking is the worst.

As per CDC, an individual dies of cardiovascular problems in the U.S every 33 seconds. Hearth health is one of the most vexing topics discussed at CDC. The prevalence of unhealthy lifestyle and diet are adding fuel to the fire.

One research revealed that smokers can lose up to 10 years of their life. It also revealed that they are 3 times at higher risk of early death compared to non-smokers.

Studies showed that those quit smoking by 35 years of age were able to live 8.5 years longer than those who did not. While those who quit smoking in their 60s were able to live approximately 4 years longer than those who continued to smoke.

This shows that it’s never too late to quit smoking to reverse the damage caused by smoking.

6.Limit Alcohol

Alcohol is responsible for a series of health problems such as liver disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and pancreatic dysfunction that can seriously impact your health. When the quality of life deteriorates, the risk of premature death is high. 

Research that considered the adult and old-age lifestyle choices of men found that men who preferred to drink wine were at a 34% increased risk of dying sooner than men who preferred beer.

Experts recommend limiting alcohol intake to only one drink for women and two drinks for men. Quitting alcohol for longer periods has several health benefits such as better sleep, good heart health, memory function and more energy. 

7.Chronic Stress

Stress can have wide ranging effects on one’s body. A study revealed that women suffering from anxiety were twice more likely to die of stroke, cancer or cardiovascular disorder compared to women of their age who were living a stress-free and fulfilling life.

It is therefore important to limit the level of stress and regularly indulge yourself in activities and habits that help you feel happy. If changing your mindset on life and being optimistic can feel hard sometimes, it is a good idea to see a shrink.

Certain people who married or spent time with their partner and family or spent time among friends also seemed less stressed and anxious compared to others. Eliminating anxiety and managing stress can prolong life. 

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